Spring 2011 Mountainside Pottery Show

Spring Show, Potters' Guild of New Jersey
April 30 and May 1, 2011
1459 Deer PathMountainside, NJ
Go here for more info:

For the more traditional pottery I'll bring along as well, see my other blog:

There will be 32 potters at this show - it's not to be missed - hope to meet you there!

The Garlic Jar Series

Here's the latest version of my face jugs - garlic jars! They sit down on your counter while you look down and laugh along with the funny faces with pins on their noses. Join them in asking "What's that funny smell??"

Come see them at their debut at the Spring 2011 Mountainside Show on April 30 and May 1, 2011. Details follow below!

Susan and her daughter adopted a couple, as did Alison and Mark... Donna and Kelly both have one too!.  All but one has a home - I have high hopes for the next Maountainside (I added this note October 2011)

Four garlic jar faces

Four more garlic jar faces